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Listing Details

Voice Logger

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Voice Logger


H .J. Electronics manufactures headset for telephone and wireless operators.

These light weight hands-free headphones are developed to suit Indian conditions and various types of EPABX telephones and wireless networks. Where there is no P & T connections, the head -sets are used for communicating from one point to another on two wire pair and a single battery. These are used by crane operator's tractor-trailer operators, miners and in defense where wireless networks do not work.

The advantages of the headset are hands free communication, can increase productivity upto 40 %, reduce mistakes and speech repetition and actually improve the clarity and intelligibility of speech .As headsets automatically adjust incoming speech, one hears his customer better and customer hears him better, so he can respond quickly and handles more calls in a short time.

The company also offers line status indicator for P&T lines, automatic reversal Switches; main distribution frames monitoring units for E 10B and alkatel exchanges; lockable and dust-proof covers for fax machines, computers and telephones; auto phase changer, lockable and open fax collection nets for privacy of fax messages; loud ringing bells for high noise environment with audio-visual indication; and three-line, two-line and single-line telephone with headphones.

Carter Road No.7, Borivali (East),
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066


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