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e-Connexions HR Consultants, Mumbai is an executive search and placement firm. Our resourcing service focuses on the recruitment in BPO, ITeS, IT, Financial & Banking sectors for Middle/Senior level professionals.

We have expertise in assessing your particular needs and matching candidates as closely as possible.

It is important, more than ever, that the person you recruit is up to speed and productive as quickly as possible.

Our selection procedure is rigorous; we have our own comprehensive database of high calibre candidates from various fields, and also access to various job portals. We have the expertise to find you the right people, with the right skills, in the right place and at the right time.

Contact us if you have a resourcing requirement, or one coming up.

We would be pleased to meet you in person in order to discuss our company background in relation to the needs of your organisation.

e-Connexions HR Consultants, Mumbai is an executive search and placement firm. Our resourcing service focuses on the recruitment in BPO, ITeS, IT, Financial & Banking sectors for Middle/Senior level professionals. We have expertise in assessing your particular needs and matching candidates as closely as possible. It is important, more than ever, that the person you recruit is up to speed and productive as quickly as possible. Our selection procedure is rigorous; we have our own comprehensive database of high calibre candidates from various fields, and also access to various job portals. We have the expertise to find you the right people, with the right skills, in the right place and at the right time.

thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 200000
Max Franchise Fee: 500000


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