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Listing Details

PIE Software

  • 0 Stars.

PIE Software


India's First ' Lost & Found ' Recovery service Key rescue is a service that helps recover your lost property quickly and securely

The PIE Software’s Board of Directors & Executive Team are Committed to good corporate governance and best practice for each stage of its business evolution from a start up to a fully commercial operation.

As of 22nd Jan 2010 the board has resolved to receive existing Corporate Governance policies to ensure the company is equipped to go to the various next stages of it development phase i.e. commercialization and expansion.

The current Board of Directors of PIE Software consist of the Founder as the Executive Chairman and two Non-Executive Directors.

Fully owned subsidiaries of PIE Software in the PIE Group have Directors appointed from PIE Board and Group Executive ranks. A majority owned subsidiary of PIE Software has both PIE appointed director and an external director representing the minority stake.

As a start up enterprise the Board has an incremental approach to ensure relevant best practice and policies are developed, adopted, and implementd to in line with the company’s progress to a fully operational business.

The Board is scheduled to meet a minimum of four times a year for normal business and other meetings as may be required from time to time.

The company communicates to its members on a regular basis through various channels as considered from time to time.

The Company is currently receiving its overall Corporate Governance policies in light of further rounds of new funding and potential listing on a stock exchange.

This page/section is updated monthly
Last updated 28 Feb 11
Disclaimer:Please refer to Governance Section for details


Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 00
Max Franchise Fee: 00


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