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Listing Details

Fox Domotics Pvtl Ltd

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Fox Domotics Pvtl Ltd


 Fox Domotics is India's Leading Brand for creation of sophisticated, energy-efficient, simple to use and reliable products like lighting control solutions, motorized blinds, tubular motors, LED / Plasma TV lifts, projector lifts and motorized projector screens for use at residential, offices, retail, hospitality and public space. Fox Domotics is the solutions of choice for different types of 'Smart Systems'. We have end to end solutions that can blend with high level functionality to enhance our living.

Fox Domotics with its expertise in research and development had always focused its aim to engineer the sophisticated product developments which are called as 'Smart Systems'. With efforts of our team we have been able to build world class products which have better quality, durable and cost effective. With Technology getting smarter and become the part of every ones lives Fox Domotics always works around to develop new breed of 'Smart System' which are always easy to blends in ones surrounding.

320-2557, Motilal Nagar 2, Off Link Road, Goregaon(W),
mumbai, Maharashtra 400104

Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 3,00,000.00
Max Franchise Fee: 5,00,000.00

Instant Messenger
Skype ID: foxdomotics


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