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In keeping with the tradition of service, with a difference, for last three decades, HABIBS has carved a niche for itself in the field of professional and creative hairstyling in India and overseas.Habibs has integrated hairstyling, beauty & personality grooming in India and Abroad. Their concept of hairstyling is a perfect amalgam of Indian & western hairstyling based on the Geometrical System. Their potential skills, aesthetic sensitivity and solid expertise, helps them to understand the clients requirement much better and do wonders on hair. Today, HABIBS savors eminence for professionalism and client satisfaction from all over the world. The breathtaking achievements prove their excellence on all kinds of hair so can be modest by saying that "getting your hair done at Habibs spell out the message loud and clear that you're in tune with time". HABIBS, is now a Brand with Hair, Beauty and Cosmetics.

New Delhi

Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 1000000
Max Franchise Fee: 1500000


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