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Listing Details

British Academy for English Language

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British Academy for English Language


British Academy for English Language is pioneer in promoting communicative skills and other allied courses in spoken English for various strata of society thereby enhancing overall personality.

English is a lingua franca. After globalization many MNCs have found their niche in India. People here know English but to work with MNCs or any private sector, you need to have the command over English language. We are here to facilitate your language skills for better performance.

Despite the fact that English is a global language most people are aware of only 35% of the words that comprise the language.

For a good command over any language one should have sound knowledge of grammar, ample vocabulary along with excellent power of expression and articulation. British Academy for English language (BAFEL) is a one stop solution for all your English needs. Come, experience the difference in BAFEL's training methodology and excel in the language. With the right course, skilled trainers, and an encouraging environment you can combine an important part of your career plan with an experience you will always cherish. 

Dwarka, New Delhi

Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 500000
Max Franchise Fee: 1000000


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