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ReStore is a response to the continuing damage we see today—to our individual health and well-being as well as to the environment. The modern urban consumer is caught in a developmental paradigm that is proving to be increasingly unsustainable for future generations.

Unconscious consumption patterns, plus a loss of connection with the sources of our food and all of the things we use on a daily basis have largely contributed to this.

Also as a result of this prevailing developmental model, large sections of the population including the small farmer, rural artisans and craftpeople, traditional knowledge workers and other disadvantaged groups have remained marginalized or threatened by dispossession.

With an installed base of approximately 300 million phones growing exponentially by over 50% year on year, India surpassed U.S to become world's second largest mobile phones user, after China. Add to this is the existing installed base which comprises of sell outs from various vendors in India and from South East Asian countries. Today there has been a paradigm shift of a mobile phone being just a phone to an ICT gadget which delivers much more than just a phone and hence the proliferation of high end multifunctional gadgets from leading vendors like Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and the like. With the above technological innovations and dynamic changes happening globally including India, it deems a trained and skilled manpower to fix any problem with a quick turnaround time so that one is not hampered without a phone which is like oxygen in our system. Come and experience the difference at any of our re-STORE outlet which is unparallel to none for branded out of warranty mobile handsets in the country. Our infrastructure, R&D and online ERP system enables us to be close to our customer's queries, indents and requests, 24/7. RE-STORE, a unit of Aforeserve.com Ltd. accredited with ISO 9001:2000 certification (An Acctel Taiwan JV) has revolutionized onsite and return to bench support services for global IT giants like HP, Lenovo, Acer, Toshiba, Foxconn, Microstar, ECS, AOC etc. for close to a decade. With this backdrop, RE-STORE bridges the gap between the un-organized mobile phone repair vendors and the authorized repair centers for millions of out of warranty phones that deems immediate attention, hence the existence of re-STORE with its core competence, shorter turnaround time and higher yield of repair. RE-STORE also offers warranty extension and annual maintenance programs for all mobile phones sold in India, as well as offers quality accessories. RE-STORE with its trans-national presence attempts to tap prospective customers across all verticals in meeting and exceeding customer delight.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Investment Needed
Min Franchise Fee: 500000
Max Franchise Fee: 1000000


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